KEGG   Bacteroides faecium

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T numberT08751
NameBacteroides faecium CBA7301
CategoryType strain
TaxonomyTAX: 2715212
    LineageBacteria; Bacteroidota; Bacteroidia; Bacteroidales; Bacteroidaceae; Bacteroides
BriteKEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611]
Data sourceGenBank (Assembly: GCA_012113595.1 Complete Genome)
BioProject: 610130
CommentStrictly anaerobic strain.
Isolated from human faeces collected from heathy Korean individuals.
    SequenceGB: CP050831
StatisticsNumber of nucleotides: 6782182
Number of protein genes: 4993
Number of RNA genes: 91
ReferencePMID: 31511127
    AuthorsYu SY, Kim JS, Oh BS, Park SH, Kang SW, Park JE, Choi SH, Han KI, Lee KC, Eom MK, et al.
    TitleBacteroides faecalis sp. nov., isolated from human faeces.
    JournalInt J Syst Evol Microbiol 69:3824-3829 (2019)
DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003690